Klô Pelgag

Sieste sur l'oreille droite


Regular price $4.99 CAD

Driven by the joy of collaborating with friends, a sense of creative freedom, and a desire to be spontaneous, today Klô Pelgag, Joseph Mihalcean and Samuel Gougoux unveil “Sieste sur l’oreille droite,” a four-song EP.

The project is not the result of a long reflection, quite the opposite. It’s the first draft of a remote composition process. The three artists sent songs to each other, each person adding what they wanted, then there were no second thoughts or fine-tuning. The songs were simply sent away to be mixed, as is.

Product Details

WAV Files
MP3 Files
320 kbps
Secret City Records

Production Credits

Recording Engineers
Klô Pelgag / Joseph Mihalcean / Samuel Gougoux
Pierre Girard
Marc Thériault


Klô Pelgag
Vocals / Synths / Sampling
Joseph Mihalcean
Bass / Guitar
Samuel Gougoux
Percussion / Synths / Saxophone

Composition Credits

All songs were written and composed by
Klô Pelgag, Joseph Mihalcean and Samuel Gougoux