Patrick Watson

Love Songs for Robots


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Love Songs for Robots presents itself as a bridge between mechanical function and about emotional wiring. An album filled with intricacy and precision, it is an invitation for listeners to explore how our feelings are fueled by science as much as something more unknowable.

Love Songs For Robots is the highly anticipated fifth record from Patrick Watson. The music was recorded at Capitol Studios in Los Angeles and Studio...

Love Songs For Robots is the highly anticipated fifth record from Patrick Watson. The music was recorded at Capitol Studios in Los Angeles and Studio Pierre Marchand in Montreal.

Of the record, some of which was debuted at private concerts in small loft spaces, Watson explains, “I started thinking about things in a very mechanical way. I found it interesting how we would use our senses to come up with an emotional reaction. As you get older you get to know yourself better and I realized that a lot of my emotional reactions were mechanical responses and that was hugely influential. I didn’t want to be a robot. But the reason why we are superior to computers is that we have emotions and I realized that emotions are mechanical so the only thing left between us and robots is curiosity and inspiration – and I don’t think you can program that into a computer. That’s definitely where I was at when I started writing the record.

Product Details

4-panel cardboard sleeve, with lyrics printed on poster insert
Secret City Records
Release Date
May 12, 2015


Patrick Watson
Piano / Keyboards / Vocals
Joe Grass
Guitar / Vocals
Mishka Stein
Robbie Kuster
Drums / Vocals
Andrew Barr
Robert Kuster
François Lafontaine
Erika Angell
Geneviève Grenier
Ondes martenot
Marie-Pierre Arthur
Lisa Iwanycki
Mélanie Bélair

Production Credits

The Booze Clown
Chandler Harrod / Patrick Watson
Sound Engineering
Chandler Harrod / Mathieu Parisien


All songs written and composed by
Patrick Watson / Mikhail Stein / Robbie Kuster / Joe Grass